Excellent A Level results are a primary reason why our students are in the Sixth Form, but helping all of them develop their individual potential and enjoy themselves during Years 12 and 13 is a vitally important part of our work at Wren.
We see our Sixth Form as a pre-university phase of education. It enables young people to develop adult skills and attitudes in a safe environment where they can take risks and sometimes get things wrong.
Lessons are only part of the Sixth Form experience at Wren. We offer a lot more and expect students to engage in a range of activities, which we believe they will find fulfilling and which will help prepare them for university and their wider lives beyond school.
We are proud that our provision goes beyond the academic A Level curriculum. We are able to offer students the following:
- Enrichment - Enrichment for the whole of Year 12, takes place each Tuesday during Period 6 with the aim to enrich our students and give them the opportunity to develop interests and skills in areas outside of the curriculum.
- Service and Leadership - The Service and Leadership Programme is a key part of the curriculum in the Sixth Form; it will extend and broaden student studies to help strengthen applications to university as well as provide some key skills and experiences to aid students make a fuller contribution to society after leaving Wren. All Year 12s are required to attend the weekly Service and Leadership Hour, in the Assembly Hall on Wednesday Period 3.
- MedSoc – this runs during the Enrichment programme and operates as a weekly opportunity to explore contemporary issues in Medicine, as well as preparing students for applications in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences.
- Step Up - New College's Step-Up Programme is designed to inspire and support state-school students throughout Years 11, 12 and 13. It attempts to ensure that students recognise Oxford as a realistic and achievable option for them in the future and makes sure they are fully equipped and supported to make a competitive application.
EPQ – The Extended Project Qualification is equivalent to half an A Level and offers students the opportunity to complete an independent research project. As well as preparing students for the reality of university-level study, it often leads to reduced University offers.
Duke of Edinburgh – all Year 12s and Year 13s are able to participate in Silver or Gold DofE awards.
Performing Arts – Sixth Form students take a leading role not just in the acting / performance side, but in leading the technical team, set design and music.
- Volunteering - Opportunities to volunteer at Wren Primary School.
- Mentoring - Opportunities to mentor Year 11 students.
- Visitors - External speakers come in to Wren to talk about a range of political, social scientific and PHSE related topics.