A Level Results 2023

Wren Academy Finchley 2023 KS5 Performance

Headline Measures

Performance Measure

A Level Results

Academic Results

Average point score per academic entry expressed as an A Level grade B- B-
Average point score per entry 37.44 37.43

 Wren Academy Finchley does not offer Applied General or Technical programmes of study.

Wren Academy Finchley 2022 A Level Highest Attainers and Destinations

A Level Highest Attainers


A Level Grades*

Rin I A* A* A* A*
Ralph V A* A* A* A*
Veronika B A* A* A*
Joseph M A* A* A*
Zachary S A* A* A*
Josh L A* A* A
Henry T A* A* A 
Erin B A* A* B
Molly H A* A* B
Zoe E A* A  A
Paul K A* A  A
Archie M A* A  A
Haya R A* A  A

Includes Level 3 Extended Project grades

Destinations (Top Third Institutions)




Reem A Kings College London Physiotherapy
Eva B University of Bristol Geography
Joanna B University of York Midwifery
Veronika B University of Sheffield Biochemistry
Reuben B University of Liverpool Mathematics with Languages
Harry C University of Liverpool History
Oliver C University of Bristol Accounting and Finance
Pun Lap C University of Warwick Law
Saadet C Queen Mary, London Politics and International Relations (with a year abroad)
Istara D University of Edinburgh Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Afiyfa D University of Nottingham Philosophy
Georgie D University of Leeds English and Film Studies
Elliot D Queen's University, Belfast Computer Science with a year in the Industry
Zoe E University of Cambridge History and Modern Languages
Isabella G University of Exeter Philosophy and Modern Languages
Molly H University of Leeds Global Creative Industries
Benjamin H Loughborough University Product Design Engineering with a foundation year
Rin I University of Cambridge Mathematics
George J University of Nottingham Industrial Economics
Giro J UCL (University College London) Information Management for Business
Natkey K Queen Mary, London International Relations
Paul K University of Durham Physics
Max K Queen Mary, London Computer Science
Sogand K University of Cardiff Engineering with foundation year
Saffron L University of Leeds English and History of Art
Joseph M University of Bristol Engineering Mathematics
Archie M Imperial College London Design Engineering
Aimie M University of Liverpool Sociology and Social Policy
Madina M Queen Mary, London Maarketing and Management
Keeva M University of the Arts London Design Management
Georgios M Kings College, London General Engineering
Erika N University of Warwick Psychology
Nikita N University of Bath Psychology
Caitlin O University of Warwick History and Politics
Tumi O Kings College London Physics and Astrophysics
Thespie O University of Birmingham English Literature with Digital Media and Communications
Huda P University of Exeter Law with Business
Eneos R Kings College London Biomedical Science
Haya R Queen Mary, London Law
Seung R University of Liverpool Economics
Jake R University of Southampton Geography
Jorge Luis R University of Sheffield Aerospace Engineering
Safiyyah R Queen Mary, London Neuroscience
Oscar R Imperial College London Design Engineering
Dhruv S University of Sheffield Mechanical Engineering
Emilia S University of the Arts London Theatre Design
Stilian S University of Sheffield Computer Science Software Engineering with industrial placement year
Zach S University of Oxford Engineering
Henry T University of Bath Economics witth professionnal placement and study abroad
Dileen T University of Nottingham Medicine with a foundation year
Aaya U Queen Mary, London Biomedical Sciences
Hayley V University of Birmingham Philoossophy, Religion and Ethics
Ralph V Queen Mary, Bristol Politics and International Relations with study abroad
Maya V University of Exeter Geography
Charles W University of Cardiff Ancient History and History
James W UCL (University College London) Architecture
Luka W University of Notttingham Physics
Ewan Y University of Newcastle Business Management
Zeynep Y Queen Mary, London International Relations with Business Management


Wren Academy Finchley 2022 A Level Performance Breakdown

Headline Figures


Wren Academy %

A* - A 29
A* - B 62
A* - C 82
A* - E 98


Subject Breakdown



A*- A %

A*- B %

A*- C %

A*- E %

Art and Design 10 50 90 100 100
Biology 27 40.74 66.67 88.89 96.3
Chemistry 27 18.52 59.26 66.67 96.3
Computer Science 5 40 80 100 100
Drama 7 42.86 42.86 85.71 100
Economics 47 25.53 53.19 87.23 100
English Language 6 0 16.67 83.33 100
English Literature 23 30.43 69.57 95.65 100
EPQ 2 50 50 50 100
French 7 42.86 57.14 85.71 100
Further Maths 7 85.71 100 100 100
Geography 22 36.36 72.73 90.91 100
Government and Politics 28 28.57 67.86 85.71 100
History 28 32.14 75 92.86 100
Mathematics 67 32.84 53.73 73.13 97.01
Physics 21 33.33 66.67 66.67 90.48
Product Design 19 52.63 84.21 100 100
Psychology 41 14.63 53.66 70.73 97.56
Religious Studies 13 7.69 53.85 76.92 100
Sociology 50 16 60 78 100
Spanish 8 37.5 62.5 100 100


Wren Academy Finchley KS5 Destinations

Students that left 16 to 18 study at this school or college in 2020

KS5 cohort finishing in Summer 2020 138
% of students who continue education or training, or move to employment at the end of 16 to 19 study 90%

Students that left 16 to 18 study at this school or college in 2019

Number of students progressing to higher education or training 119
% of students progressing to higher education or training 90%
Number of top third university bound students 43
% Top third destinations 36%
Number of Russell Group Unvisrsity bound students 39
% of Russell Group Destination 33%

Notes: Destinations for students who finished 16-18 study in 2019 and 2020 s the latest data available for these measures published in 2022.

Wren Academy Finchley KS5 Retention

Performance Measure

A Level Number of Students

Academic Number of Students

Number of students enrolled to study mainly academic qualifications 158 158
% of students completing their main study programme 97.50% 97.5%
Number of students retained for a second year in their main study programme 158 158
% of students retained for a second year in their main study programme 97% 97%

Notes: 2022 data is the latest data available for these measures.